The 7 Secrets to finding Peace and Joy
Actionable ways to cultivate the fruit of the spirit.
What is the fruit of the spirit?
It is the Spirit of God that enables believers to produce these concepts in their lives to help serve others:
Self Control
Who Am I?
Hey! Thanks for being here! I’m Katie. The person behind the posts. I love God, people, and animals. It’s probably accurate to say that I have too many chickens but I’m okay with that!
I started this blog to bring my personal mission statement to life. I love studying scripture and connecting it to the world around me. Most of the time that connection happens when I am working around our farm.
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To captivate others by creatively connecting spiritual truth to real world situations to grow the fruit of the spirit within their hearts and minds.
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How I got here
We all have moments of lostness in our lives where we can get stuck. I want to share with you the seven secrets that helped me find my way out and towards peace, joy, purpose on earth – these are actionable steps for anyone who is looking or needs some assistance getting closer with God!
The 7 best tips to increase peace and joy
Secret #1: Connect to the source
Everyone has a phone, you probably have it in your hand right now. You plugged it in last night so it had power to work work today, Right? Do the same with peace.
Be in The word – Daily.
As believers being connected to The word recharges our peace. Making a daily habit of connecting to His promises helps our hearts and minds focus less on the trouble of this world and more on Him, the Prince of Peace.
You might have rolled your eyes on this first one…EVERYDAY?!?! She can’t be serious.
Where am I going to find the time?! – This is a valid question but one that you need to consider!
If we don’t make an effort to connect to our source of peace, who will? The enemy would love nothing more than to see us live in a constant state of fear and anxiety.
Let’s plug in daily, friends!
Try starting out with a verse of the week! You can even subscribe to our word of the week where we send out a verse straight to your inbox every Wednesday morning with definitions, importance, and questions to ponder throughout the week.
Sign up for word of the week HERE!Secret #2: Peaceful Joyful Playlist
I use my Alexa everyday to play music. Sometimes my kids change it to kidzbop kids but most of the day worship music playing in the background.
I would love to sit and soak in The Word all day but life happens and I need to get things accomplished. That is where worship music fills in the gaps and helps remind me of His promises.
Worship music is scripture mixed with melody.
Ask alexa to play joyful christian music. If you like a song you can say ” play more like this” or “like this song” and the playlist will be created for you. All you need to do then is tell Alexa to play your liked songs and you have a peaceful joyful playlist!
- Rattle by elevation worship
- Yes He can by Cain
- Good God Almighty by Crowder
- Awake My Soul by Hillsong Worship
- The Blessing by Kari Jobe & Cody Carnes
- Grace God you by MercyMe
- Unstoppable God by Elevation Worship
If you don’t have an Alexa all of these songs can be found on Youtube.
Secret #3: Get outside
Have you ever had a day where you are just irritated for no good reason? You just feel blah and you can’t pin point why.
I found that just stepping out into fresh air lifts my mood. There is probably some kind of scientific reasoning behind the shift in perspective but I just know that being outside surrounded by nature erases the grumpy in my attitude.
The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known They speak without a sound or word their voice is never heard. Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world. Psalms 19:1-4
What’s so secret about going outside? It’s the purpose behind the action. Go outside, clear your head from any distractions, and ask God to reveal his wonderful works.
Secret #4: Write it out
I love the journal aisle in any store. Target is by far my favorite. The neat new crisp pages ready for a fun new stash of vibrant colorful pens. That is the beginning of this secret. Go journal shopping and pick out ONE you love! Throw in a few pens while you are at it too!
A way to see progress is to journal. I have been writing during my studying time and any prayers or worries that come to mind. Just the other day I messaged my sister in law an two year old prayer that I came across. It made me smile with how, in just two years, that prayer has been answered many times over again.
In your new favorite journal start writing down anything that comes to mind. A good place to start is to write out your worries. After you have them all down on paper change them into prayers. Ask Jesus for His help and strength to tackle them. You’ll be amazed in time with how He answers.
Don’t forget to date it too! I love to see years past and to think about where I am at in the present and how He led me to this season.
Secret #5: Visual reminders
Each day I see a few things that remind me of His goodness. For my baptism my husband got me the prince of peace painting. You can read about it here. It hangs in my living room and I pass it countless times a day. Its a great reminder that Jesus is always with me.
It is important in any season to be reminded in different ways of the peace and joy we can have if we focus on spiritual truth now the woes of the world. Another quarky thing that reminds me of His greatness is my Peacock, George. His colors are so magnificent and vibrant that I imagine them being a few colors of heaven.
A few other things that could be a visual reminder for you are:
Clothing Items with Scripture
Notes on the fridge
Verses as your locked phone screen
Positive affirmations on your bathroom mirror
God’s Fingerprint (This will be the next one I will get!)
Choose a couple of visual reminders that work for you. They should be personal and meaningful and remind you of the peace and Joy we have access to through Jesus.
Secret #6: Today’s three things
Growing up whenever I had a bad day or something unexpected happened my mom would remind me to think of three things to be grateful for. I always treasured that in my heart and use this technique still to this day.
When I have an upbeat attitude its easy to see things in a positive light. On the flip side, when I’m in a bad mood I can kind of get stuck in a negative thought pattern. This is where the three things idea kicks in.
A working truck motor, hot water, and taste are three things I am currently grateful for. You don’t realize how much you rely on things until they don’t work properly or are gone.
Start a list of three things you are grateful for each day. You could write them in your journal or tape them to your fridge for a visual reminder! It amazes me what I take for granted. Focusing on a few positive thoughts can quickly increase your joy and calm your heart.
Secret #7: Everyone needs help
Recently I was at a compost site. I needed a bunch of wood chips for my garden and just had a shovel. I was a few scoops in when a nice old farmer came in his tractor for a scoop of dirt. I waved and walked over to him. I kindly asked if he would mind helping me out and loading a few scoops of wood chips into my truck. He helped me out and it saved me a ton of time and effort. I tried to give him twenty bucks but he wouldn’t take it and said to pay it forward.
This small interaction helped me see that everyone needs help. An amazing way to create an abundance of joy is to bless someone else unexpectedly without needing anything in return.
Think outside of your situation and bless someone. It’s even better when it’s a nice stranger that isn’t expecting it. Here are a few ideas:
Leave a coffee gift card for someone
Pay for the person behind you at a drive-thru
Write a note an encouraging note for a coworker
Deliver a meal a friend
Share some peace and joy with someone (article here!)
Kindness goes a long way. Give it a try and see how it fills your heart with joy!
You can do this!
Use the seven secrets above as a way of improving your world around you in order for that joyous fruit grow inside.
What are you waiting for?
The world needs more people like us who have a passion to make life better and less stressful.
There’s never been an easier time than right now!
Start using these 7 best tips today so tomorrow will be even brighter and filled with more peace and joy.
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