Have to – Need to – Want to

This is the sign you've been looking for neon signage
This is the sign you've been looking for neon signage
A simple idea that will help you get more done in your day!


It starts with this simple productivity printable:

Have to – Need to – Want To

You’re a busy lady. We know you have a lot on your plate, and we want to help you get it all done.

We are capable of doing amazing things but sometimes life gets in the way. Trust me when I say life can get hectic between running a home, working, and all the extra activities, not to mention all the things that pop up and need attention immediately.

We get it and we want to help.

This simple productivity printable will help

organize your important tasks,

make you more productive,

and ensure you’re getting things done.

And this is exactly why we created this free printable :

Have to – Need to – Want To

click to download free productivity printable
The simple productivity printable

Have you had one of these days?

Today was one of those days. The kind where it’s not all that bad but there is something is just off….

For instance, everything I touch falls apart….literally…I need to get my photos off of my phone to free up space. I keep my photos on a very old and outdated mac book. (adding that to my need to list!) When I booted it up I was met with a white screen with a gray question mark file….literally….see photo evidence….

I didn’t have the patience or time so I moved on to something else. Something more fun and enjoyable than fighting with technology….

Questionable old macbook

My newest hobby, especially in the winter, is to spin fiber into yarn! Spinning is quiet, relaxing and enjoyable! It’s defiantly something I needed to bring peace to my soul.

As I was spinning I was thinking about this post. How I have been working on this idea of “Have to – Need to- Want to” and how it could be useful for you.

A verse that came to mind :

Philippians 4:7

and the Peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus

Philippians 4:7

(I like to write out the location of the verse before and after. It is helping me memorize scripture better.)

There was a peace about the day that had settled into my heart. I have been working through Fervent by Priscilla Shirer and one of the strategies is to pray for focus. I included peace in that so it could be an answered prayer. (You can buy the book HERE if you’d like.)

Then reality came back into focus…

Spinning Wheel flyer flung to the ground

Sometimes my wheel can be finicky…then its more of a disaster than enjoyable…I did everything I could, tightened the screws, oiled the spots and adjusted the tensions….Yet….the flyer (the spin-y thing that twists the yarn) mysteriously flung itself on to the floor…again see photo evidence…the two parts in the upper right should not be on the carpet!

So after abandoning my questionable MacBook and reassembling my wheel for another time I decided to work up this free printable. I figured I better try this idea out to see how it actually works.

Guess what….Something else fell apart…as I was getting my printer out and setup one of my willow angels got caught in the cross fire of the cord and crashed to the floor…super glue to the rescue! (hopefully the last of the photo evidence…)

Seriously, I could take it as a sign that I should stop touching things but I really wanted to get this simple idea out to help you accomplish more and get stuff done!

Broken Willow angel

This is the idea I have for you

Chances are that, if you’re reading this, you have a lot on your plate. Time is our most precious commodity these days, so use it wisely! We are capable of doing amazing things but sometimes life gets in the way. I get it and I want to help.

The simple productivity printable idea:

First you will need to download the free printable for a reference.

You can download and print it from HERE or by clicking on the image above.

After printing you are ready to fill in the columns

Have to:

These are the things that are causing you pressure. It could be a deadline, a person’s expectations, a task that needs to be done, stuff that you are procrastinating but once it is done you know you will be relieved.

Need to:

These are the things you have been putting off longer than you’d like. Often we tell ourselves we’ll do it later but later never comes. So put these things first and get them out of your way. This is where you can also list things you are responsible for or just plain should do.

Want to:

These are the activities you like to do. The tings that bring you joy or make your heart sing! It could be something creative, simple tasks at home, time with friends and family, ect.

How to use the this simple productivity printable

Start with just three things. Pick three things on each list.

(Sometimes I can only handle three things in each category in a day.)

Choose what you are going to start on and get it done. I even set a timer to make it a goal to be done by a certain time. (I get distracted often…) Then my favorite part! CROSS IT OFF when its done!!

Trust me! I’ll feel good to see your task accomplished and your list crossed off!

I hope this helps you to get more done in less time by using your time wisely.

The printable could easily be used as both a reference and your daily list of tasks. I have even used it for a specific area of my life like farm chores, blogging tasks, or house work. It even works for kids!

(I switched it up a bit – insert mom voice – “if you want to do this….” “then you have to and need to get this ….. done”)

Try it out, let me know what you think and how this simple productivity printable is working for you!

Thanks so much for reading!

And until next time…

Keep it Simple!


The Simple life

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