Why Graceful Days Farm
and About Katie
Our goal is to provide you with the
best resources to help you live a simple,
peaceful, joyful life by finding grace in each day.
How do we do do this?

Bible verses and devotionals
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes
Gardening tips
Parenting hacks
Farm stories and lessons
Creative ideas for family time
And so much more!
We want to help you create days filled with grace.
What we do for our readers:
We want our readers to feel like they are apart of a supportive and friendly community that helps us to live a life that is full of grace.
There are so many biblical connections that can be seen and heard through creation and everyday life. Graceful Days Farm is here to encourage and equip our readers to live a simple life that glorifies God.
Psalms 19:1- 4
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge;
they have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
Psalms 19:1- 4
Through living and learning on our small family farm I have experienced firsthand the great blessing of being able to grow in His knowledge and wisdom every day.
Why I write:
It is a joy of mine to share these encouraging insights with you!
When we learn to allow God’s love for us to lead our way, our lives will overflow with the Fruit of the Spirit in every aspect of who we are.
Let’s be grateful and give God praise as we study, pray and live out His word together!
We would love to have you join us! You can subscribe to the newsletter to have new posts and content delivered to your inbox, or join us on social media (instagram, pinterest, facebook) to stay connected.
We can’t wait to see what God has in store for us as we continue to grow and share His love with the world.
Lets keep it simple and live a graceful life together,
About Katie
I am married (to my best friend!) and mom to two awesome kids (like really awesome!). As a hobby farmer, I have a love for nature and animals. On top of that I am a bit of an overachiever when it comes to creativity. For instance, this creative ambition is transforming into a life time goal of sharing my christian faith. Above all, I want to share though creatively connecting biblical truth to real life. In other words, my hope for this blog is to help you life a more peaceful and joyful life full of Jesus’ Grace.
I love to look at nature and the world around me in a creative extraordinary way. There is unspoken truth spoken everywhere and it has become a passion of mine to share that perspective with others. For example, a simple walk around the farm, watching the chickens, or baking in the kitchen bring that still small voice into my heart to make these biblical connections. Graceful Days farm is a source to help grow fruitfulness in our hearts by sharing what God gives us though His grace everyday.
Jesus came so we can have a rich and satisfying life – John 10:10
In a nutshell, the farm reminds me of how much love there is in this big world, as well as God’s love for each of us.
If you are looking for a more peaceful and joyful life full of Jesus’ grace then follow Graceful Days Farm. Here you will find creative ways to connect biblical truth to real life. That way we can live the rich and satisfying life that Jesus came for use to have.
For Fun here is a little but about me:
- I live on a 40 acre hobby farm.
- The quiet moments in the morning before the day starts are where I find the most peace.
- I love to grow all sorts of plants. It’s amazing to start with a tiny tomato seed and end up with spaghetti sauce!
- I actually had a side hustle selling cupcakes but never really liked cake. However, Peanut butter cookies fresh from the oven are my favorite.
- I’m crazy insecure but try to hide it.
- I have a secret chocolate stash if get stressed. Shhh! Don’t tell the kids!
- I know I have too many animals. They all have their own quarks and personalities. Once you meet them or read about them you’ll fall in love with them!
- Walking through the barn is my favorite! It reminds me so much of the manger and where Jesus was born. I have a few empty stalls that need some new residents…I’ll keep working on that plan. Do you have a favorite farm animal?
- My family is my number one priority. I will do anything for them!
- Come tour the farm and join me as we study scripture. We will walk around, talk about the animals, the seasons, life, and how to live a simple life with Jesus leading the way.
I am excited to share my story with you. I hope that the benefits of living on Graceful Days Farm are evident in what I have shared here. It’s worth taking time to see God’s Goodness and Grace every day.
The Simple life
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