Word of the week : Burden


A load, typically a heavy one


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.

Matthew 11:28-30


So many of us are carrying very heavy loads. We are burdened with life circumstances, anxious about events that may or may not happen, and so tired we can barely keep up. The world is constantly grabbing for our attention, our energy, and our peace. Being burdened with a heavy life causes so much stress, fear, and anxiety.


When you find yourself in a situation full of fear, stress, and anxiety come to Jesus.

He tells us he will give us rest. We need to allow him the time, space, and stillness to teach us how to find rest for our souls.

Jesus is able to bring peace, joy and hope even in challenging circumstances.

Jesus is our rock, refuge and strength when we come to Him with a humble heart and open mind.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, burnt out or just plain exhausted, taking a few moments to spend time with God through prayer or reading His Word.

This will help bring rest for your soul.

Thoughts to ponder


Bring all thoughts captive to Jesus. Many of us allow the stress of the world to manage our mind creating burden.

Where could you create time and to fill your mind with the love and grace of God?

This could be study time with the word, worship music on the drive to work, or prayer time while you are doing simple tasks.


I often carry feed bags that weigh 50 lbs. Taking that heavy load onto my shoulders is uncomfortable and sometimes painful!

In Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus is telling us to take HIS yoke upon us. To do that we must first put down what we are carrying.

What do you need to release to him to make your burden lighter?


The enemy is stealing so much joy in the world by constantly distracting us from what we need most.


Bring your weary and heavy burdens to Jesus. Humble yourself and allow him to teach you with his gentle guidance He will give our souls rest.

In what areas could you allow Jesus to teach you so you are able to find rest for your soul?

Free Bible Verse Printable for memorizing.

Download the printable and place it around home to use as reminders of His promises.

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